a meditation on a (temporary) return to the Antipodes

Friday 14 May 2010

Moreton Bay fig tree

A very early start to the day - we left home in the dark - to get to the first appointment at the Peter Macallum cancer hospital. I walked in the Fitzroy Gardens and took photos, thinking about Auntie Margaret who always loved the autumn leaves of Melbourne in gardens like this, and of my school girl self reading my book on the tram on the way to school and knowing I was nearing my stop when I saw the trees here. This one is a Moreton Bay fig, native to Queensland and NSW. Magical, secretive, all-knowing trees.


  1. A brilliant idea to post from Sunbury/Melbourne. Gives an insight to your time there. Ex

  2. I can just imagine 2 excited raggedy girls trying to clamber up into it. They were all over the trees in Didsbury last weekend, finally setting up "home" in a conifer, making the park-goers chuckle with their funny games.
